Buku yang ada di hadapan pembaca ini merupakan buku pembangunan global, ekonomi, budaya, dan resesi semuanya terkena dampak pandemi COVID-19. Ketika Indonesia keluar dari krisis, upaya mencapai Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan (SDGs) menjadi semakin penting.
Global development initiatives, economics, cultures, and the recession have all been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. As Indonesia emerges from the crisis, it is even more critical to pursue the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). One important factor that can optimize Indonesia’s sustainable growth in the future is the youth and students. The United Nations approved 17 interrelated objectives in 2015 to address urgent global issues like poverty, inequality, climate change, and health. However, the pandemic has clouded the advancement of the SDGs. Our capacity to meet these challenging goals is threatened by the persistence of disparities in access to food, energy, and water, especially in Indonesia. Furthermore, trade-offs, geographical differences, and geopolitical conflicts have made implementation difficult. But, there are rays of optimism among the obstacles. Technological progress and environmental enhancements provide opportunities for advancement. Classification, coordination, and collaboration is a strategy framework that may direct superior operations to expand and cross-link all sectors to attain the new era of Indonesia after the pandemic.
The strength of human resources in the post-pandemic era in carrying out essential SDGs points will be one of the best solutions to continue growing. The strength of Indonesian youth and students currently studying abroad will be one of the nation’s greatest assets in providing future impacts and solutions in building a more integrated Indonesia after the pandemic. One of the countries that became the best study destination is Taiwan.
The number of Indonesian students in Taiwan has reached around 16,000 students in 2023. With this number of students abroad, it will be the starting point for the formation of massive collaboration
between youth in Taiwan and other countries. One primary strategy to accept the implementation of SDGs in education is to contribute to the international scientific forum session among youth or
students abroad. Based on this understanding, the Indonesian Students Association in Taiwan, or PPI Taiwan initiated an annual international conference called the Indonesian Scholars Scientific
Summit (I3S). This scientific forum is one of the real actions of Indonesian students and scholars in Taiwan to open collaboration with students, researchers, professors, and other scholars from
various countries.
In 2023, PPI Taiwan proudly presented the 5th Indonesian Scholar Scientific Summit which was held at the National Taipei University of Technology (NTUT) on June 23-25 with the theme “SDGs to Survive the Effects of Post-Pandemic and Global Recession” which later became the title of this book. In other words, the book currently in the hands of readers is a direct result of the 5th I3S.
This book consists of five chapters inspired by the goals contained in the SDGs such as sustainable cities and communities, gender equality and poverty alleviation, quality education, responsible consumption and production, and industrial and infrastructure innovation. Furthermore, the five chapters are composed of 19 manuscripts that have undergone a review and revision process. Therefore, on behalf of the editorial team, I would like to express my appreciation to the 48 authors who have participated in making this book possible.
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Cetakan I, April 2024; 274 hlm, ukuran 15,5 x 23 cm, kertas isi Bookpaper hitam putih, kertas cover ivory 230 gram full colour, jilid lem panas (soft cover) dan shrink bungkus plastik.
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