International Conference on Frontiers of Environment and Marine Studies (ICFEMS) 2022 Abstrack Book

realizing quality human resources in the field of marine fisheries and other social sciences.


This conference as the momento of aprectiation that we already have time in the near past to collaborate in establishing a program to support the ecosystem of the higher education in Tanah Papua. I would like to thank to every one that they work hard to run this kind conference together.

Tanah Papua is the name given to the western half of the island of New Guinea, which consists of two Indonesian provinces: Papua and West Papua. Tanah Papua has a rich and diverse culture, history, and environment, but also faces many challenges in terms of development, governance, and human rights. One of the key challenges is to provide quality and equitable education for the people of Tanah Papua, especially in the rural and remote areas where most of the indigenous Papuans live.

Higher education is a crucial factor for the social and economic development of Tanah Papua, as it can foster innovation, research, and capacity building for various sectors. However, higher education in Tanah Papua is still underdeveloped and faces many barriers, such as low enrolment and completion rates, lack of infrastructure and facilities, shortage of qualified teachers and staff, limited access to information and technology, and cultural and linguistic diversity. Coastal area is another important aspect of Tanah Papua, as it covers about 60% of the land area and hosts about 70% of the population. Coastal area also has a high potential for natural resources, such as fisheries, tourism, and renewable energy.

However, coastal area also faces many threats, such as environmental degradation, climate change, natural disasters, illegal fishing, and conflicts over land and sea rights. ³

Therefore, higher education and coastal area of Tanah Papua are interrelated and interdependent issues that require collaborative efforts from various stakeholders, such as the government, the universities, the communities, the civil society, and the international partners. Some of the possible areas of collaboration are:

– Developing and implementing policies and programs that support higher education and coastal area development in Tanah Papua.

– Enhancing the quality and relevance of higher education curricula and research that address the needs and aspirations of the coastal communities in Tanah Papua.

– Improving the access and participation of students from rural and remote areas in higher education institutions in Tanah Papua. 

– Strengthening the capacity and network of higher education institutions in Tanah Papua to conduct interdisciplinary and collaborative research on coastal area issues.

– Promoting the exchange and dissemination of knowledge and best practices on higher education and coastal area management among different actors in Tanah Papua.

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