Help Me I Feel Anxious

Buku berbahasa inggris yang membantu mengatasi gejala kecemaan dan ketakutan dengan cara asik dan menyenangkan.

How to get rid of anxiety?

Anxiety is a natural thing that has been experienced by every human being. Anxiety is considered a part of everyday life. Anxiety is a general feeling, where a person feels afraid or loses self-confidence with no clear origin or form.

Anxiety is something that afflicts almost everyone at some point in their life. Anxiety is a normal reaction to situations that are very stressful in a person’s life. Anxiety can appear alone or combine with other symptoms of various emotional disorders.

According to Kaplan, Sadock, and Grebb, anxiety is a response to certain threatening situations and is a normal thing that occurs with development, changing, new or authentic experiences, as well as in finding self-identity and meaning in life. Anxiety is a reaction that anyone can experience. However, excessive anxiety, especially if it has become a nuisance, will hinder one’s function in life. Anxiety is a subjective feeling of nervous mental tension as a common reaction to an inability to cope with a problem or a lack of security. These erratic feelings are generally unpleasant which will later lead to or turn into physiological and psychological on ice (Kholil Lur Rochman).

Anxiety is a feeling of a general nature, in which a person feels fear or loss of self-confidence of unclear origin or form. Feeling anxiety is a natural thing that every human being has experienced and cannot be avoided from everyday life. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention so that the feeling of anxiety along with the symptoms can be overcome properly by each individual.

The symptoms of anxiety are physical and mental. Physical symptoms include cold fingers, faster heartbeat, cold sweats, dizzy head, reduced appetite, poor sleep, chest tightness. Symptoms of a mental nature are the fear of feeling that you will be overwritten by danger, unable to concentrate, not at ease, wanting to run away from reality. These symptoms can be seen from individuals who have mental disorders. It’s even clearer for individuals who have severe mental illness. Anxiety can occur due to several factors, such as the environment or surroundings of the dwelling affecting the individual’s way of thinking, repressed emotions, and others.

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Tentang Penulis

Atmaranie Dewi Purnama.,SPd,M.Pd

lahir di kota Parepare pada 02 Maret 1989,Putri sulung dari Bapak Drs.H.Sappe Wahab dan Ibu Dra.Hj.Munawarah serta pasangan dari Bapak Muhammad Tamrin., SPd.,M.Pd ini pertama mengenyam pendidikan tinggi di Universitas Negeri Makassar pada program studi pendidikan bahasa inggris, dan melanjutkan program magisternya di universitas muhammadiyah parepare pada program studi pendidikan bahasa inggris. Ibunda dari anak-anak bernama Ahmad Falah Taat, Nur Afifah Rania Taat & Alhanan Maulidil Taat ini ditahun 2018 tercatat sebagai mahasiswa program doktor pada program studi ilmu pendidikan, telah berhasil menyandang gelar doktornya dan bertekad bisa berbuat dan memberi kontribusi terbaik dalam bidang pendidikan.

Prof. Dr.Arismunsndar .,M.pd

 guru besar dalam bidang menejemen pendidikan UNM yang lahir di kabupaten Sinjai 14 juli 1962. Ia banyak berkecimpung di dunia pendidikan khususnya di kampus UNM, baik sebagai ketua jurusan administrasi pendidikan FIP, hingga pembantu rektor II dibidang administrasi dan keuangan.Beliau pernah memangku jabatan sebagai rektor UNM selama dua periode dari tahun 2008 hingga 2016, dan saat ini menjabat  sebagai anggota akreditasi madrasah/sekolah kemendikbud masa jabatan 2018-2022.

Prof.Dr.Baso Jabu.,M.Hum

seorang guru besar pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di Universitas Negeri Makassar.Minat risetnya mencakup  penilaian bahasa dan pengajaran bahasa.kini beliau menjabat sebagai asisten direktur II program pasca sarjana Universitas negeri Makassar.